Our Breads now delivering gluten-free pizza to Jersey City

Gluten-free pizza delivered straight to your door


Our Breads PizzaJersey City residents Vivian and Thomaz Carmo launched artisan bakery Our Breads and Pies during the height of the pandemic. Since then, the duo have been tweaking their menu, most recently adding a line of gluten-free pizzas.

The pizza dough in their new line of low carb pizzas is made with cauliflower, Parmesan, egg, cream cheese, almond flour, gluten-free flour, and yeast. Taste-wise, however, you’d never be able to tell the difference. Our Breads is currently offering a variety of pies including a Margherita ($18), Pepperoni & Cheese ($20), Chicken/Cream Cheese/Corn ($20), and Sun-Dried Tomato/Arugula ($20). The recipe can be tweaked if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

The pizzas are similar to a grandma pie. They’re square and thin crust with deliciously burnt edges (thanks to the mounds of shredded cheese). We loved the Pepperoni & Cheese pie, which is sized for about two people.

The pies can be picked up or delivered to all parts of Jersey City. Just pop it in the oven for a few minutes and it’s an instant pizza night, without the high carbs. Orders can be placed via DM on their Intsagram.

Our Breads Pizza